This program offers competitive interest rates and up to $3,500 in down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers. Eligibility requirements include income limits, a minimum credit score of 640, and completion of a homebuyer education course. More information and application can be found on the MaineHousing website:
This program provides eligible homebuyers with an FHA, VA, RD, or conventional mortgage and up to $3,500 in down payment and closing cost assistance. Eligibility requirements include income limits, a minimum credit score of 640, and completion of a homebuyer education course. More information and application can be found on the MaineHousing website:
This program provides eligible homebuyers in the City of Portland with up to $30,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance. Eligibility requirements include income limits, a maximum purchase price of $320,000, and completion of a homebuyer education course. More information and application can be found on the City of Portland website:
This program offers up to $10,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers who complete a homebuyer education course. Eligibility requirements vary by program, and more information and application can be found on the MaineStream Finance website:
This program provides eligible homebuyers in the City of Bath with up to $7,500 in down payment and closing cost assistance. Eligibility requirements include income limits, a maximum purchase price of $220,000, and completion of a homebuyer education course. More information and application can be found on the City of Bath website:
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This program offers a variety of home loan options, including down payment and closing cost assistance for eligible homebuyers. Eligibility requirements include income limits, a minimum credit score of 640, and completion of a homebuyer education course. More information and application can be found on the Maryland Mortgage Program website:
This program provides eligible homebuyers in Prince George's County with up to $20,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance. Eligibility requirements include income limits, a maximum purchase price of $478,000, and completion of a homebuyer education course. More information and application can be found on the Prince George's County website:
This program provides eligible homebuyers in Baltimore City with up to $5,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance. Eligibility requirements include income limits, a maximum purchase price of $517,000, and completion of a homebuyer education course. More information and application can be found on the Baltimore City website:
This program provides eligible homebuyers in Howard County with up to $40,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance in the form of a deferred loan. Eligibility requirements include income limits, a maximum purchase price of $570,000, and completion of a homebuyer education course. More information and application can be found on the Howard County website:
This program provides eligible homebuyers in Baltimore City with up to $5,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance for attending a Live Baltimore Trolley Tour and purchasing a home in the city within 90 days. Eligibility requirements include income limits, a maximum purchase price of $517,000, and attendance of the trolley tour. More information and application can be found on the Live Baltimore website:
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MassHousing offers a variety of down payment assistance programs for first-time homebuyers, veterans, and other eligible borrowers. The programs include the Down Payment Assistance Program, which provides up to 5% of the purchase price or $15,000, whichever is less, in down payment and closing cost assistance. Eligibility requirements and application information can be found on the MassHousing website:
The City of Boston Home Center offers down payment and closing cost assistance for eligible first-time homebuyers. The program provides up to $30,000 in assistance, with the amount based on the borrower's income and other factors. Eligibility requirements and application information can be found on the City of Boston website:
ONE Mortgage is a joint initiative between the Massachusetts Housing Partnership and MassHousing that provides affordable mortgages to first-time homebuyers. The program offers down payment and closing cost assistance, as well as low down payment options and reduced mortgage insurance premiums. Eligibility requirements and application information can be found on the ONE Mortgage website:
The Massachusetts Housing Consumer Education Centers (MHCEC) provide education and counseling services to help homebuyers navigate the home buying process. The centers offer workshops, counseling sessions, and other resources to help homebuyers understand the home buying process and find down payment assistance programs. Eligibility requirements and application information can be found on the MHCEC website:
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MSHDA offers a variety of down payment assistance programs to help low- to moderate-income homebuyers purchase their first home. The programs include the MI Home Loan, which provides up to $7,500 in down payment assistance. Eligibility requirements and application information can be found on the MSHDA website:,4641,7-141-7559_9637---,00.html
The Michigan Rural Development Loan is a USDA-backed mortgage program that provides low- to moderate-income homebuyers with financing and down payment assistance. The program offers a variety of benefits, including low interest rates and no down payment requirements. Eligibility requirements and application information can be found on the USDA website:
Detroit Home Mortgage is a program that provides low- to moderate-income homebuyers with a variety of benefits, including down payment assistance and low interest rates. The program is designed to help homebuyers purchase homes in Detroit and revitalizes the city's neighborhoods. Eligibility requirements and application information can be found on the Detroit Home Mortgage website:
The Genesee County First-Time Homebuyer Program provides eligible homebuyers with down payment and closing cost assistance. The program offers up to $5,000 in assistance, and borrowers must contribute at least 1% of the purchase price of the home. Eligibility requirements and application information can be found on the Genesee County website:
The Washtenaw County Homebuyer Program provides eligible homebuyers with down payment assistance and homebuyer education classes. The program offers up to $7,500 in assistance, and borrowers must contribute at least 1% of the purchase price of the home. Eligibility requirements and application information can be found on the Washtenaw County website:
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This agency offers several down payment assistance programs to eligible homebuyers, including the Start Up program and the Step Up program. Start Up provides up to $15,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance, while Step Up provides up to $10,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance. To be eligible, homebuyers must meet certain income and credit score requirements, among other criteria. You can apply for these programs through a participating lender. More information can be found on the agency's website:
This program, offered by the City of Minneapolis, provides up to $10,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers who purchase a home within city limits. To be eligible, homebuyers must meet certain income and credit score requirements, and the home being purchased must be the buyer's primary residence. More information and the application can be found on the program's website:
This program, offered by the Minnesota Homeownership Center, provides up to $7,500 in down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers. To be eligible, homebuyers must meet certain income requirements and complete a homebuyer education course. More information and the application can be found on the program's website:
This program, offered by the City of St. Paul, provides up to $40,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers who purchase a home within city limits. To be eligible, homebuyers must meet certain income and credit score requirements, and the home being purchased must be the buyer's primary residence. More information and the application can be found on the program's website:
This program provides up to $5,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers who purchase a home in Dakota County. To be eligible, homebuyers must meet certain income and credit score requirements, and the home being purchased must be the buyer's primary residence. More information and the application can be found on the program's website:
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This program offers up to $6,000 in down payment assistance for eligible borrowers in Mississippi. The program is available to first-time homebuyers and repeat buyers. To be eligible, borrowers must meet income and credit score requirements. More information about the program and application requirements can be found on the Mississippi Home Corporation website:
The USDA offers a variety of programs to help low- to moderate-income families purchase homes in rural areas, including down payment assistance. Eligibility requirements vary by program, but generally include income and location requirements. More information can be found on the USDA Rural Development website:
This program offers up to $20,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers in the City of Jackson. To be eligible, borrowers must meet income and credit score requirements, and the property must be located within the city limits. More information about the program and application requirements can be found on the City of Jackson website:
This program offers up to $20,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers in the City of Biloxi. To be eligible, borrowers must meet income and credit score requirements, and the property must be located within the city limits. More information about the program and application requirements can be found on the City of Biloxi website:
This program offers down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers in several counties in Mississippi, including Harrison, Hancock, and Jackson counties. To be eligible, borrowers must meet income and credit score requirements, and the property must be located in an eligible county. More information about the program and application requirements can be found on the Gulf Coast Housing Partnership website:
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This program offers a competitive interest rate and down payment assistance to eligible first-time homebuyers in Missouri. To qualify, homebuyers must have a minimum credit score of 640, meet income and purchase price limits, and complete a homebuyer education course. For more information and to apply, visit the MHDC website:
This program provides down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers in Missouri. To qualify, homebuyers must be first-time buyers or have not owned a home in the last three years, meet income and purchase price limits, and complete a homebuyer education course. For more information and to apply, visit the MHDC website:
This program offers down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible low- to moderate-income homebuyers in southwest Missouri. To qualify, homebuyers must meet income and purchase price limits, contribute $1,000 towards the purchase, and complete a homebuyer education course. For more information and to apply, visit the OACAC website:
This program provides down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers in St. Louis County. To qualify, homebuyers must meet income and purchase price limits, contribute $1,000 towards the purchase, and complete a homebuyer education course. For more information and to apply, visit the St. Louis County website:
This program offers down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers in Kansas City, Missouri. To qualify, homebuyers must meet income and purchase price limits, complete a homebuyer education course, and contribute $500 towards the purchase. For more information and to apply, visit the Kansas City website:
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This program provides up to $10,000 in down payment assistance to qualified borrowers. The program is available to first-time homebuyers and current homeowners who meet certain income and credit score requirements. More information and application requirements can be found on the MBOH website:
The Montana Homeownership Network offers down payment assistance in the form of a second mortgage loan. The loan amount can be up to 5% of the purchase price, not to exceed $10,000. Eligible borrowers must meet certain income and credit score requirements. More information can be found on the Montana Homeownership Network website:
CAPNM offers down payment assistance to first-time homebuyers in Flathead, Lake, Lincoln, and Sanders Counties. The amount of assistance varies based on the borrower's income and the purchase price of the home. More information can be found on the CAPNM website:
The Bitter Root RC&D Housing Resource Center offers down payment assistance to qualified borrowers in Ravalli County. The amount of assistance varies based on the borrower's income and the purchase price of the home. More information can be found on the Bitter Root RC&D website:
The Helena Housing Authority offers down payment assistance to first-time homebuyers in Lewis and Clark County. The amount of assistance varies based on the borrower's income and the purchase price of the home. More information can be found on the Helena Housing Authority website:
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The HOME program provides down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers in Nebraska. Applicants must meet income limits, attend a homebuyer education course, and contribute at least $1,000 of their own funds. For more information and to apply, visit the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority (NIFA) website:
The First Home program offers down payment and closing cost assistance to first-time homebuyers in Nebraska. Eligible applicants must meet income limits and complete a homebuyer education course. For more information and to apply, visit the NIFA website:
The Good Neighbor Next Door program is a nationwide initiative that offers a 50% discount on the list price of HUD homes to eligible law enforcement officers, teachers, and firefighters/EMTs. Participants must commit to living in the home as their primary residence for at least 36 months. For more information and to apply, visit the HUD website:
The American Dream program provides down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers in select Nebraska communities. Applicants must meet income and purchase price limits, contribute at least $500 of their own funds, and complete a homebuyer education course. For more information and to apply, visit the NIFA website:
The FHLB of Topeka Homeownership Set-Aside Program offers down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible first-time homebuyers in Nebraska and other states served by the bank. Applicants must meet income and purchase price limits and complete a homebuyer education course. For more information and to apply, contact a participating FHLB of Topeka member institution in your area. A list of member institutions can be found on the FHLB of Topeka website:
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This program offers up to 4% of the loan amount as a grant for down payment and closing costs. To be eligible, applicants must be a first-time homebuyer, meet certain income limits, and take a homebuyer education course. More information and the application can be found on the Home at Last website:
This program offers up to $20,000 in down payment assistance for eligible homebuyers. To be eligible, applicants must meet income and purchase price limits and complete a homebuyer education course. More information and the application can be found on the Nevada Affordable Housing Assistance Corporation website:
This program offers up to $15,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance for eligible homebuyers. To be eligible, applicants must meet certain income and purchase price limits, be a first-time homebuyer, and complete a homebuyer education course. More information and the application can be found on the Nevada Rural Housing Authority website:
This program offers up to $15,000 in down payment assistance for eligible homebuyers in certain Nevada counties. To be eligible, applicants must meet certain income and purchase price limits and complete a homebuyer education course. More information and the application can be found on the Wells Fargo website:
This program offers up to $20,000 in down payment assistance for eligible homebuyers purchasing a home within the city limits of Las Vegas. To be eligible, applicants must meet income and purchase price limits and complete a homebuyer education course. More information and the application can be found on the City of Las Vegas website:
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New hampshire
This program offers eligible homebuyers up to 3% of the purchase price of a home in the form of a forgivable second mortgage. To be eligible, applicants must meet income and purchase price limits and complete a homebuyer education course. More information and an application can be found on the NHHFA website:
This program offers eligible homebuyers up to 3% of the purchase price of a home in the form of a forgivable second mortgage. To be eligible, applicants must meet income and purchase price limits, and complete a homebuyer education course. More information and an application can be found on the New Hampshire Housing website:
This program offers eligible homebuyers up to $10,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance in the form of a zero-interest forgivable loan. To be eligible, applicants must meet income and purchase price limits, and complete a homebuyer education course. More information and an application can be found on the New Hampshire Housing website:
This program offers eligible homebuyers in rural areas up to 100% financing and a 0% down payment. To be eligible, applicants must meet income and property location requirements. More information and an application can be found on the USDA Rural Development website:
This program offers eligible homebuyers in Nashua up to $10,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance in the form of a zero-interest forgivable loan. To be eligible, applicants must meet income and purchase price limits, and complete a homebuyer education course. More information and an application can be found on the City of Nashua website:
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New jersey
This program offers up to $10,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers in New Jersey. To qualify, applicants must be first-time homebuyers, meet income and purchase price limits, and complete a homebuyer education course. For more information and to apply, visit:
This program provides up to $10,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance to first-time homebuyers in select New Jersey counties. Applicants must meet income and purchase price limits, have a credit score of at least 620, and complete a homebuyer education course. For more information and to apply, visit:
This program offers up to $20,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance to homebuyers who work in certain New Jersey municipalities and are looking to purchase a home in the same municipality. Applicants must meet income and purchase price limits, be first-time homebuyers, and complete a homebuyer education course. For more information and to apply, visit:
This program provides up to $25,000 in down payment assistance to eligible homebuyers in select New Jersey counties. Applicants must meet income and purchase price limits, complete a homebuyer education course, and contribute at least $1,000 of their own funds towards the purchase of the home. For more information and to apply, visit:
This program offers up to $16,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers in New Jersey. To qualify, applicants must meet income and purchase price limits, be first-time homebuyers, and complete a homebuyer education course. For more information and to apply, visit:
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New mexico
The First Home Program provides down payment and closing cost assistance to first-time homebuyers in New Mexico. Eligible applicants must meet income and purchase price limits, attend a homebuyer education course, and occupy the purchased property as their primary residence. More information and application instructions are available on the MFA website:
The NextHome Program offers down payment assistance to repeat homebuyers and first-time buyers purchasing a newly constructed home. Applicants must meet income and purchase price limits, attend a homebuyer education course, and occupy the purchased property as their primary residence. More information and application instructions are available on the MFA website:
The HomeNow Program provides down payment and closing cost assistance to low-to-moderate income homebuyers in New Mexico. Applicants must meet income and purchase price limits, complete a homebuyer education course, and occupy the purchased property as their primary residence. More information and application instructions are available on the MFA website:
The First-Time Homebuyer Program provides down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible low-to-moderate income homebuyers in Albuquerque. Applicants must be first-time homebuyers, meet income and purchase price limits, complete a homebuyer education course, and occupy the purchased property as their primary residence. More information and application instructions are available on the City of Albuquerque website:
The Homebuyer Assistance Program provides down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers in Bernalillo County. Applicants must meet income and purchase price limits, complete a homebuyer education course, and occupy the purchased property as their primary residence. More information and application instructions are available on the Bernalillo County website:
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New york
SONYMA offers several programs to help first-time homebuyers in New York State. The Down Payment Assistance Loan Program provides up to $15,000 to eligible borrowers to use towards down payment or closing costs. Applicants must meet certain income and credit score requirements. More information can be found on SONYMA's website:
NACA offers homebuyers a variety of programs, including down payment assistance. NACA's Best in America Mortgage allows for a low down payment and no closing costs. The program also provides access to free homeownership counseling and assistance. Applicants must meet certain income and credit score requirements. More information can be found on NACA's website:
This program provides up to $40,000 in down payment assistance and closing costs for eligible first-time homebuyers in New York City. Applicants must meet certain income requirements and complete a homebuyer education course. More information can be found on the HomeFirst website:
This program provides up to $9,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers in Rochester. Applicants must meet certain income requirements and complete a homebuyer education course. More information can be found on the City of Rochester's website:
CDCLI provides a variety of homebuyer programs, including down payment assistance. The organization's Achieving the Dream Program provides up to $25,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers on Long Island. Applicants must meet certain income and credit score requirements. More information can be found on CDCLI's website:
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North carolina
This program provides down payment assistance of up to 5% of the loan amount to eligible first-time homebuyers and military veterans. To qualify, you must meet income and purchase price limits, have a credit score of at least 640, and complete a homebuyer education course. You can apply for the program through a participating lender.
This program provides up to $20,000 in down payment assistance to eligible homebuyers in the city of Raleigh. To qualify, you must be a first-time homebuyer, have a household income at or below 80% of the area median income, and meet other program requirements. You can apply for the program through the City of Raleigh Community Development Department.
This program provides up to $10,000 in down payment assistance to eligible first-time homebuyers in participating counties, including Cumberland, Hoke, Lee, and Scotland. To qualify, you must meet income and purchase price limits, have a credit score of at least 640, and complete a homebuyer education course. You can apply for the program through a participating lender.
This program provides down payment assistance of up to 5% of the loan amount to eligible first-time homebuyers and military veterans. To qualify, you must meet income and purchase price limits, have a credit score of at least 640, and complete a homebuyer education course. You can apply for the program through a participating lender.
This program provides up to $5,000 in down payment assistance to eligible homebuyers in the city of Greensboro. To qualify, you must meet income and purchase price limits, complete a homebuyer education course, and meet other program requirements. You can apply for the program through the Greensboro Housing Coalition.
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North dakota
This program provides affordable homeownership opportunities by providing qualified borrowers with up to 5% of the loan amount in down payment and closing cost assistance. Applicants must be first-time homebuyers and meet certain income and credit score requirements. For more information and to apply, visit the program's website:
This program offers down payment and closing cost assistance for first-time homebuyers in North Dakota. The amount of assistance available varies based on the borrower's income and the location of the property. Applicants must meet certain income and credit score requirements. For more information and to apply, visit the program's website:
This program provides affordable mortgage financing and down payment and closing cost assistance to first-time homebuyers in North Dakota. The amount of assistance available varies based on the borrower's income and the location of the property. Applicants must meet certain income and credit score requirements. For more information and to apply, visit the program's website:
This program provides financing and down payment assistance to developers who build or rehabilitate affordable rental housing in North Dakota. A portion of the funds can be used to provide down payment assistance to qualified renters who wish to purchase a home. For more information and to apply, visit the program's website:
This program provides financing and down payment assistance to qualified homebuyers who wish to purchase a foreclosed or abandoned property in a designated target area. Applicants must meet certain income and credit score requirements. For more information and to apply, visit the program's website: